SENIOR STOCK PHOTOS has a gallery of veteran stock photos. Pictured above is WWII veteran Bob Watson and Tuskegee Airmen Vernon Robinson.

And here is a quote from Bob Watson’s war experience at D-Day:

“I landed on Omaha Beach at 7:27am on June 6th, 1944 as a member of the U. S. Navy 6th Beach Battalion and we assumed the duties as Beach Masters. After I was blown out of a landing craft I headed to the beach where I found total chaos. The water was blood red and I was moving body parts in order to get out of the water. The smoke, noise and fire was all around me, it was all I could do to move forward. When I got to the dune line I was ordered to join the fire line and fire my rifle at the German’s. I stayed on the beach for 28 days and was awarded the Purple Heart and the French Legion of Honor. Tom, on behalf of all WW11 veterans, I thank you for the work that you do in keeping our stories alive.” Navy Bob Watson